bigstock-Flu-virus-7530305mod rtpcr


Real-Time PCR kits for the quantification of Herpesvirus copy numbers.

Each kit contains a ready-to-use primer/probe mix consisting of forward and reverse primers combined with a FAM/BHQ-labeled probe specific for the target sequence. This probe mix is supplied at 20x concentration and may be used with standard real-time PCR reagents.

For absolute copy number calculations, a tube of standards is also included containing the target sequence. These standards may be diluted to create a standard curve.

H1K240 HSV-1 Real Time PCR Kit Herpes Simplex Virus-1  (HHV-1)  More
H2K241 HSV-2 Real Time PCR Kit Herpes Simplex Virus-2  (HHV-2)  More
VK242 VZV Real Time PCR Kit Varicella Zoster Virus  (HHV-3)  More
EK239 EBV Real Time PCR Kit Epstein Barr Virus  (HHV-4)  More
CK238 CMV Real Time PCR Kit Cytomegalovirus  (HHV-5)  More
H6K243 HHV-6 A & B Real Time PCR Kit Roseolovirus  (HHV-6 A & B)  More
H7K244 HHV-7 Real Time PCR Kit Roseolovirus  (HHV-7)  More
H8K245 HHV-8 Real Time PCR Kit Kaposi’s Sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (HHV-8)  More